I just need to post and tell you that we are really getting our shit together for this upcoming season. Not only do we have a huge amount of Dunderdon coming in for the fellas, but so much for the ladies too! We know we've been kind of looked at as a mens shop, but it's going to even out way more...We promise! We are focusing a lot on our own line and after experimenting with what direction we want to take, we think we have really figured it out! You'll see lots of denim in our line, mixed with great, light cottons and tencels this season. We want to create our idea of what 'Basics' should be. We think we kinda hit the nail on the head with our Zipper Top and we want to continue to head in that, very wearable/ very babelicious, direction. Classic Pieces for girls who wear bright blue, pony hair boots and break their knees getting low at a reggae clubs...
so anyway..I should end with a picture...but I'm not sure of what....
I guess this babe is a good enough....DAAAAAMMNNN GIIIIIIIRRRLLLL

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